
Friday, November 2, 2012

“The Importance of being a 100% CTR Person”
Being a 100% CTR person is the best thing someone can do. In order for you to be that person you have to be a good person, do your work, and just stay as a positive person. Choosing the right is like having freedom and just makes you a whole better person. If you choose the wrong then people will notice of you as a bad person. Many people that choose the wrong end up being in trouble and that’s not a good thing. Choosing the right makes you avoid things of bad people and don’t get in trouble. That is why you need to avoid all the bad things around you, or the things you see other people do and not be a follower. If your one of them that means you’re not a 100% CTR person. That makes you a bad person which leads to the people that choose the wrong. Choosing the right leads to being a successful student and your known for so many things by special people. Life would be easier for you and it would mean a lot to you the next day after that. Once you get into that stage you just want to stay a 100% ctr person and it just keeps going. If your living the CTR life than you won’t have to worry about anything around you and you will just live life happily. It just makes you a wonderful loving person. A person who constantly messes up in things makes you a choosing the wrong person and means that you need people around you that are 100% choosing the right to help you in things and that would really change you. When you get that life you just feel so successful. So that’s why you have to follow the right path and stay 100% choosing the right forever.
·       Be a 100% person.
·       Follow Rules
·       Respect Others
·       Live life
·       Shine bright and you’re a CTR person
·       Don’t Be A Follower
·       Never give up!
·       Stay Truthful

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